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A Turkey tummy-tuck Turkey is similar to one performed elsewhere. You can save money and still get the same results. Turkey is home to surgeons with international accreditation and the same years of experience as their counterparts abroad. It means that you can receive the same high-quality procedures in Turkey as in the United States without having to spend as much. So if you are considering a tummy tuck Turkey, don't wait! Contact us today to schedule your procedure!

Two weeks prior to the procedure, stop smoking and refrain from drinking alcohol. You should not eat anything after midnight on the night of surgery. Your body should be stripped of all jewelry and any body moisturizers. Make sure you don't wear tight fitting clothes that have buttons. It's a good idea if you have someone to help you after the procedure. It's normal for you to feel tired after the procedure. But keep in mind that you will have a few scars. You're allowed to feel a little sore. But, don't be anxious.

Turkey is a country that offers tummy tucks for many reasons. Turkey's beautiful country is home of thousands of hotels, as well as tourism-oriented companies. This makes it a wonderful place to have any type medical procedure. The best medical facilities are available to ensure the best results for patients. It's also affordable: a Turkey tummy-tuck cost only $1500. It might not be the best choice if you are looking to lose significant weight.
tummy tuck turkey

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